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[screen-devel] alternate screen and keys

From: Tomáš Čech
Subject: [screen-devel] alternate screen and keys
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 02:42:30 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


I'd like to propose small but (I hope) useful enhancement of terminal
behaviour. I hope it will be easy to understand.

If in alternate screen mode and received shift+pageup/pagedown/up/down
event, send the same code to application running in current terminal.

I'm quite annoyed by absence of support for unified history
scrolling screen or tmux. I can see the way how to solve this issue
with using terminal's alternate screen mode. In this mode there is no
history and history scroll doesn't make much sense. Different
terminals behaves differently. VTE based terminals (like
gnome-terminal or xfce-terminal) drops these events. When Konsole in
alternate screen mode, it is used as 'AppScreen' state modifier in its
keytab file (and also drops these events by default). For XTerm there
is 'tiXtraScroll' I believe for configuration of scrolling in
alternate buffer. Linux kernel terminal emulator doesn't support
alternate buffer at all.

I would like to have the proposed functionality, so there can be
screens inside screens and still is obvious who will get the scroll

I'd appreciate your ideas and feedback.

Best regards,

Tomas Cech

PS: I created feature requests.

Konsole bug

VTE widget

tmux discussion

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