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[screen-devel] W cursor movement

From: bill
Subject: [screen-devel] W cursor movement
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 11:55:01 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.1.fc3 (X11/20050929)

A few days ago, on screen-users, Buddy Burden mentioned a discrepancy with
the action of 'W' as a cursor movement key. (It yanks the current word into the buffer rather than doing a cursor motion.) I've noticed that there are a few cursor movements which act a little different than expected. In particular, the man page states: "There are however some keys that act differently than in vi. Vi does not allow one to yank rectangular blocks of text, but screen does." While that is technically accurate, vim DOES allow rectangular blocks to be copied, but the
commands are totally alien from those in screen.  In my mind, and I think
many people's, "vim" is now synonyous with "vi", so I'm not sure that
the man page is accurate anymore.

I was thinking about revamping the cursor movements to more closely mimic
those of vim..primarily so that I don't have to relearn keystrokes for things, but also to get into the code and get my hands dirty. I was thinking that the .screenrc
could list an attribute, say "use-vim-keybindings" or something which would
activate the changes. My question at this point is: can I get write access to the CVS repository? I don't object to posting diffs, but until I get my mutt configuration worked out (or get over my completely irrational dislike of using attachments) I'm mouse pasting into a graphical mail tool, and it's annoying. I've never worked on a project that went beyond a single building, and I'm not really familiar with the methods for doing open-source development. I've been a leech for too long, and I'm really excited at this as an opportunity to contribute back to the community. Screen is a really, really nice tool, and I would love to be involved. I've been poking
around on the Savannah page, but I'm not seeing how to get it
simple a matter of making the request? If so, then consider this a request!

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