I am reviewing the project you submitted at savannah.
address@hidden wrote:
A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
This mail was sent to address@hidden,
tecso: <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: Package: Torino - ERP
System name: torino
Type: GNU
It is a free ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), programmed in java
technology. The sources code and more information about torino ->
Other Software Required:
Jakarta-tomcat, postgreSQL.
Other Comments:
The next passage in the development is to make it compatible with the
free Java VM, and multilanguage.
The source files do not have copyright statements on it. To license your
software you have to show that you have the copyright to it. Please
see www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html and
for more information.
Please address this issue and send me the URL to the updated tarball.
I will approve your project after that.
Alaska Subedi