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[Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of IAS Accounting -

From: Nigel Kukard
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of IAS Accounting -
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 07:30:22 +0000
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Any progress in my application?

Have a great weekend!

address@hidden wrote:

A package was submitted to
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden

Nigel Kukard <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: Package: IAS Accounting
System name: ias-acc
Type: GNU

Package name: IAS Accounting (Industrial Accounting System Accounting)

This project is an attempt to create a client-server based accounting package 
which support as many of the commercial packages features.

The server is designed in php, using xmlrpc over ssl as its communications 
protocol to the clients. The server also uses a database abstraction layer so 
it will support any database php supports. It runs on any system php runs on.

The clients package can be written in any language or toolkit, all it has to do 
is communicate via a well documented xmlrpc library to the server. The client 
package we will include will be firstly web-based, and the second one will be 
written using the gtk+ toolkit.

The chosen license for all our projects is GNU GPL. (thanks Richard!)

SVN Repository:

No website yet :(

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:
wouldn't mind it changing name to gnu accounting  ;-)

let me know if you need anything else

*In case you have to register your project again.

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requirements, the Savannah administrators may ask you to register your project 
again.You can use the following URL to do a new registration starting with the 
values used in this registration process.
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Nigel Kukard, PhD CompSc
(Chief Executive Officer)
Linux Based Systems Design (Non-Profit)
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Linux Systems Design & Technology Solutions

  The best language to use is the language that was designed for
                 what you want to use it for.


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