A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden
Jason Barto <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License:
Package: Conf4C Library
System name: libconf4c
Type: GNU
The project I have been developing is a configuration file reading library (aptly named libconf4c) implemented in C and currently licensed under the GPL. As currently implemented the library is able to read configuration files which are in the format of the Apache webserver (name / value pairs with section types denoted by <...></...> pairs) and provide an application with easy reading access to the parsed values.
The library does not currently have any dependencies on any outside software other than standard C libraries which accompany GCC (stdio, stdlib, etc).
A copy of the libraries source, in its current state, can be downloaded from
Other Software Required:
No known dependencies
Other Comments:
only comment, I am very interested in completing this library to GNU standards