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[Savannah-hackers] about cia bot stats

From: Jerome Alet
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] about cia bot stats
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:00:27 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Hi there,

before savannah being reinstalled, I had installed the cia bot
in one of my projects' CVSROOT directory's loginfo file, so that
each commit was reported to #commits on and
on the cia bot's website.

I've seen in the mailing list archives that CVSROOT won't be writable
anymore, but I can see that cia stats are still made for some
projects hosted on savannah (e.g. ghostscript). If I look into
these projects' CVSROOT directories, I see that all files
are normal (without cia bot calling)

So I'd wanted to know how could I set this back up for my own
projects hosted on savannah ?

Thanks in advance for any help

Jerome Alet
"A non-free program is a predatory social system that keeps people 
in a state of domination and division, and uses the spoils to 
dominate more." - RMS

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