A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org.
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden
Gian Perrone <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License:
Package: Libysys
System name: libysys
This package wants to apply for inclusion in the GNU project
Currently the market for library systems is dominated by monolithic
companies that provide expensive solutions. Whilst there are several
projects targeted to small - medium libraries (such as Koha,
http://www.koha.org/), there is currently not a free library system
that could be used by academic or large libraries.
I believe that a library system written using free tools would allow
libraries to spend more of their budget on managing and building their
collections than paying crippling fees to library system vendors
(often in excess of $100,000/year).
A free system that could run on common hardware and could be
customized (with the aid of templates) to the needs of that library.
It would need to include Acquisitions, Collection Management,
Cataloging, Circulation and Reference systems, with web and telnet
interfaces to each system (as many catalogers and Acquisitions
departments staff use telnet as opposed to web interfaces).
Compliance with industry standards such as Z39.50 and MARC records is
We are hoping to be able to get people together to participate in what
is a large project (but can be broken down into smaller parts).
This project is barely underway (it is in the planning stages) but it
has the support of several library staff from academic libraries (with
hopes of gaining more) interested in helping develop a system that can
be used by libraries all around the world.
Other Software Required:
While it is still in the planning stage, it will most likely have the
Web Interfaces done in PHP, and the Telnet and Inner workings done in
C. A database backend is yet to be decided, but the hope is to
include support for several database systems including MySQL and
PostgreSQL, while giving libraries the ability to interface with
proprietary databases they may already have or use.
Other Comments:
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