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[Savannah-hackers] Re: Administrative CVS access on Savannah?

From: Jaime E. Villate
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Administrative CVS access on Savannah?
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 10:09:49 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Your public key seems fine, and it has been correctly imported to Savannah.
Have you put "Protocol 1" in ~/.ssh/config?

To diagnose your problem, please send us (address@hidden instead of
address@hidden) the output of the following command:

   ssh -v address@hidden


On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 08:08:39AM -0600, Andrew M. Miklic wrote:
> Hi,
>       I recently started a project on, and I am trying to
> add some files to the CVS repository, but I am having trouble getting it
> setup.
>       On's web pages, it indicates that I should run:
>               ssh-keygen
>       (which I did), then place the "key" in ~/ in the
> text-box indicated--the first problem is, I don't what the actual "key"
> is.
>       These are the contents of my ~/.ssh/
> 1024 35
> 138071921131318265503334618387126263836932248685601230198527028580983337070028981622200659098065164827368437168978785609853401606191395923106992932525590579261802436014574077527900493055689647806964383130818203080462481824651509099384970685328834419763140604673110529196483402805367047140951758444954640533603
>  address@hidden
>       I tried using the whole thing as a string (without line-breaks), and
> I've tried just using the longest number, but neither works (I've waited
> anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days for the cron job to
> make this take effect)--am I doing something wrong?
>       When I try the following (gnumach-alpha is the name of my project):
> cvs -z3 address@hidden:/cvsroot/gnumach-alpha co
> gnumach-alpha
>       I am prompted for a password (my savannah login does not work)...
>       One note: I am using a hardwire firewall--I don't know if this makes a
> difference...
> Sincerely,
> Andrew Miklic

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