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[Savannah-hackers] Re: A request about 'compliance' and for FSF projects

From: Bradley M. Kuhn
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: A request about 'compliance' and for FSF projects in general?
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 08:39:36 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Loic Dachary <address@hidden> wrote:

>       It is not really hard but not really obvious either. In order
> to setup, Guillaume Morin had to
> install/configure/maintain a separate mailman. Implementing what you
> suggest would imply:
>       - add a fsf / non-fsf flag in the database
>       - modify the admin/user web forms to deal with it
>       - modify the backend scripts to deal with it
>       - install/configure a new mailman dedicated to this domain
>       - test/debug/stabilize

This is indeed too much work.

> Setting the prefered domain name in mailman can further reduce the
> visibility of in favor of although it
> can't really eliminate it completly.

I have done this, and it will be good enough.  Thanks for the feedback; I
figured it was worth asking----for all I knew, it might have been easy.

   -- bkuhn

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