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[Savannah-hackers] savannah.gnu.org: submission of PLUTO Padova
From: |
nick |
Subject: |
[Savannah-hackers] savannah.gnu.org: submission of PLUTO Padova |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:57:04 -0700 |
A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org.
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden
Andrea Brugiolo <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License:
Package: PLUTO Padova
System name: pluto-pd
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project
We would like to set up this project in order to manage the many tasks we are
or maintaining at our LUG, the \"PLUTO Padova - LUG Padova\", an Italian LUG
made up of people fond of GNU, Free Software and GNU/Linux in particular.
These tasks go from simply maintaining the web pages in cooperation to
organizing the PLUTO Meeting (when we host in Padova the annual edition), to
sharing information about the state of the LAN we are building at the Ex
Macello (we are not yet connected to the Wide net) and the like, and, in short,
for managing all what we can by means of the \'project tasks\', which seem to
be quite effective tools for it.
Our pages at present are hosted at the DEI, you can see them at
http://www.dei.unipd.it/info/linux (but we do not have, so we need, a CVS
to maintain them cooperatively).
- [Savannah-hackers] savannah.gnu.org: submission of PLUTO Padova,
nick <=