just because I became curious, the numbers are probably not to be
- iperf3 tells me ~170Mbit/s
- I transferred initially my Downloads repository from laptop to
server (which has roughly as much disk as you have RAM :-P), 2.7GBytes
in 3.45minutes, a mixture of not too big files and quite some small
files (see the size distribution below).
- this makes it roughly 90-100Mbit/s
As said, nothing comparable, just for comparaison. Even on a local
backup, the initial backup takes quite a while and becomes better in
delta mode.
I have the plan to improve performance, without knowing if there is
really potential, but at this stage, I'm focussing on re-structuring
the code and understanding it better.
KR, Eric
Neat one liner I found at
(added as utility at
$ find Downloads -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l | awk
'{size[int(log($5)/log(2))]++}END{for (i in size) printf("%10d %3d\n",
2^i, size[i])}' | sort -n
0 3
4 4
8 3
16 6
32 5
128 4
256 8
512 14
1024 27
2048 29
4096 30
8192 18
16384 15
32768 9
65536 16
131072 15
262144 12
524288 6
1048576 1
2097152 3
4194304 7
8388608 5
16777216 2
33554432 4
67108864 2
268435456 1
536870912 1
1073741824 1