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Re: Fresh snapshot

From: EricZolf
Subject: Re: Fresh snapshot
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2021 06:34:17 +0200
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I have no clue but I became curious, and found out that Mariabackup (the
fork of XtraBackup for MariaDB) can do partial backups:


KR, Eric

On 17/10/2021 04:34, billy noah wrote:
> Hey Alvin,
> Yes I've looked in to this.  The problem with Percona XtraBackup
> incremental backups as I understand it, is that it's all or nothing in
> terms of schema.  The incremental backup option is great but it backs up
> everything - and you'd therefore lose the ability to easily restore one
> schema.  Since our mysql server instance also hosts around 7 other sites
> that presents a problem.  We don't want to back up all the schema here as
> that would consume roughly 60GB of disk space.  The only way around this I
> can think of is to spin up separate mysql server instances - but this then
> leads to a shortage of ram.
> On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 9:07 PM Alvin Starr via Any discussion of
> rdiff-backup <rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org> wrote:
>> Have you thought about using the Percona XtraBackup or one of its
>> derivatives?
>> It has the advantage of being able to take a live database backup
>> without having to lock everything for potentially a long time.
>> It also has the ability to do incremental backups.
>> The backup is stored as a /var/lib/mysql file tree which can be used as
>> the DB for a different mysql server without having to extract tables
>> from a full sql dump.
>> The downside is that is the backup needs to take place on the system
>> with the MySQL server because it directly accesses the files in the DB
>> tree.
>> Where MySQL dump can be run  from a separate machine.
>> On 2021-10-13 19:03, billy noah wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> The older snapshots in my backup scheme take very long to restore as they
>>> are database dumps over 15GB and stored on a rotational drive (which is
>>> more cost effective as a backup volume).  I noticed that this is
>> partially
>>> due to the fact the rdiff-backup needs to apply each increment as a
>> patch,
>>> stepping backwards until the desired state is achieved.
>>> Is there a simple way around this?  I wouldn't mind taking up the space
>>> needed for a full snapshot if there is some argument that can accomplish
>>> this, but I'm trying to avoid the need to build some complex snapshot
>>> directory rotation in to my script logic.  Currently I'm simply doing:
>>> mysqldump --single-transaction --lock-tables=false my_database >
>>> /mnt/mirror/daily/dump/my_database.sql
>>> rdiff-backup  --no-eas --no-acls --no-file-statistics
>>> /mnt/mirror/daily/dump/ /mnt/mirror/daily/diff/
>>> rm /mnt/mirror/daily/dump/*sql
>>> rdiff-backup --force --remove-older-than 10D /mnt/mirror/daily/diff/
>>>> /dev/null 2>&1
>>> We'd like to keep up to 30 days of increments here but the time needed to
>>> restore something that old would be a bit absurd.  I'm thinking something
>>> like 4 full backups with 6 increments each.
>>> I hope this makes sense.  Thanks!
>> --
>> Alvin Starr                   ||   land:  (647)478-6285
>> Netvel Inc.                   ||   Cell:  (416)806-0133
>> alvin@netvel.net              ||

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