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Re: Problems with backup after using rdiff-backup-delete.py

From: Robert Nichols
Subject: Re: Problems with backup after using rdiff-backup-delete.py
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 22:12:55 -0600
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On 11/29/19 1:10 PM, Patrik Dufresne wrote:
Hi Robert Nichols,

Your contribution is welcome. There is a folder with user's contribution in
rdiff-backup repositories. We could probably leave it their with some user
warning. So either submit a Pull Request in github or send it here as
attachment and will submit it for you.


On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 1:54 PM Robert Nichols <address@hidden>

I do have a fairly massive (~640 lines, ~550 non-comment) shell script
that I agree is ugly, but which has worked fine for me for quite a few
years (last modified 7 years ago) and successfully purges both specific
files and entire subtrees from an rdiff-backup archive. The principal
limitations are that it does not support long_filename_data (refuses to run
if any found) and does not handle Mac resource fork metadata (ignores it).
I'll send it to anyone who wants to try it, or I can put it up for comment
and/or ridicule if someone would tell me where and how to do that. All I
can guarantee is that if it eats any babies, those will be the first babies
it has ever eaten.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                  Do NOT delete it.

I've sent the script in private email to Patrik rather than force all the
list recipients to download it. Sorry about the delay. I've been very busy

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                Do NOT delete it.

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