I'm experimenting with the Windows build on your home page on my Win 7
I ran into trouble with file names that contain Chinese characters such
as minimal example 'test_sync/我报.txt'.
Running rdiff-backup yields the following error:
C:\opt\rdiff-backup-1.3.3>rdiff-backup.exe "E:\test_sync" "E:\rdiff_target"
Found interrupted initial backup. Removing...
Exception 'Path: E:\test_sync/??.txt
Index: ('??.txt',)
On Linux, this example works as I would expect it to. I am wondering if
this is fixable without changing my locale or if that would even help.
Since this is a Python program, I doubt it would make a difference,
would it?
In any case, it doesn't seem to depend on the console I use (cmd doesn't
display the characters, ConEmu does).
I am also wondering if there's a manual for building on Windows. The
wiki doesn't seem to be available anymore and the setup.py script that I
found in https://github.com/pgodel/rdiff-backup doesn't work for me,
probably because I don't know how to properly include librsync.
Hope you have some advice.
Best regards,
Matthias Kauer
rdiff-backup-users mailing list at address@hidden
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki