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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Suggested fs for placing rdiff-backup data stor

From: Gavin
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Suggested fs for placing rdiff-backup data stores
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 14:09:05 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090707)

Nice work Alex.
Although I'm not sure why you are backing up several apparently standard Debian kernels.
If you just backup the /boot/grub dir and have the apt package list the system can be re-installed
to the exact same state with a much smaller backup.


Alex Samad wrote:

thought I would break this off the original thread

just to give you some example info on fusecompress datastore

max:/backups/nas/system/boot# du --apparent-size -s --si *   
1.3M    System.map-2.6.26-1-amd64
1.6M    System.map-2.6.30-2-amd64
1.6M    System.map-2.6.31-1-amd64
86k     config-2.6.26-1-amd64
99k     config-2.6.30-2-amd64
102k    config-2.6.31-1-amd64
4.0M    grub
8.4M    initrd.img-2.6.26-1-amd64
7.8M    initrd.img-2.6.26-1-amd64.bak
9.8M    initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64
9.8M    initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64.bak
11M     initrd.img-2.6.31-1-amd64
11M     initrd.img-2.6.31-1-amd64.bak
1.8M    vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-amd64
2.3M    vmlinuz-2.6.30-2-amd64
2.5M    vmlinuz-2.6.31-1-amd64
max:/backups/nas/system/boot# du  -s --si *
238k    System.map-2.6.26-1-amd64
291k    System.map-2.6.30-2-amd64
308k    System.map-2.6.31-1-amd64
25k     config-2.6.26-1-amd64
25k     config-2.6.30-2-amd64
25k     config-2.6.31-1-amd64
1.8M    grub
8.4M    initrd.img-2.6.26-1-amd64
7.8M    initrd.img-2.6.26-1-amd64.bak
9.8M    initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64
9.8M    initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64.bak
11M     initrd.img-2.6.31-1-amd64
11M     initrd.img-2.6.31-1-amd64.bak
1.8M    vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-amd64
2.3M    vmlinuz-2.6.30-2-amd64
2.5M    vmlinuz-2.6.31-1-amd64

so my primary partition is /backups/.nas and then fuse mounts to /backups/nas/  this is looking at /boot directory for an example. Overall using du I have 1.3 compressed compared to 3.1 uncompressed 

du --apparent-size -s --si .nas nas
1.3G    .nas
3.1G    nas

du  -s --si .nas nas
1.6G    .nas
1.6G    nas


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 07:45:25AM +1100, Alex Samad wrote:
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 03:05:14PM -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 06:44:46AM +1100, Alex Samad wrote:
I'm experimenting with LessFS. It's another fuse-based filesystem, and in
addition to compressing blocks, it checksums each block and only stores
identical blocks once -- "de-duplication". This seems like a particular win
with rdiff-backup, because of the problem with handling of renamed files.
thats nice.... what compression tec does it use
Read about it yourself here: http://www.lessfs.com/wordpress/?page_id=50

In short, it uses a 192-bit hash function (happens to be Tiger) to uniquely
identify each block, and then compresses each block with LZO or QUICKLZ.
had a quick read of the web site, just wondering how effective it would
be with something like rdiff-backup - my line of thinking is that rd
stores the differences, so I would guess all the original files would
benefit, but the differences wouldn't

Also with fusecompress you can specify by mime type which files pass
through ie don't get affected by fusecompress.

I will have to investigate a bit more, run some tests


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