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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] how to shrink/purge/truncate the metadata file

From: =JeffH
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] how to shrink/purge/truncate the metadata file (and the file_statistics file)?
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2010 20:53:45 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080306)

Thanks Adrian.

> Are you sure that --remove-older-than is actually completing?


> If there is more
> than one increment to be removed at a time and the --force switch is not used
> then the increments will not be removed.

yes, and rdiff-backup immediately tells you this.

> You might want to do a
> rdiff-backup -l /backup/dir to see if in fact the increments have been 

yes, the increments were removed. And your questions imply that the metadata and file_statistics files should indeed be shrink/purge/truncated.

Apologies for my somewhat lame original question. I'm not very familiar with the details of how rdiff-backup works under the hood.

So, I removed yet more increments (all but the current mirror), did a --check-destination-dir, and then did another backup, which completed successfully.

However, in retrospect, I was confused wrt the actual sizes of the metadata and file_statistics files -- upon further examination, they are orders of magnitude smaller than I'd thought: megabytes rather than gigabytes.

I'm now wondering if part of what went wrong (my backup disk filled up unexpectedly) was that I'd made enough large changes on the source disk (I "shrank" a VM's virtual disk by 10s of gigs, plus I'd had a prior backup get a read error on a large .mp3 directory), that there essentially wasn't overall enough free space on the backup disk to house the both the VM's incrementally changed virtual disk files (10s of gigs) plus adding back into the mix all the previously-deleted .mp3 files (which, even tho they weren't present in the "current mirror", they /were/ present in prior "increments").

So this begs the question of how much headroom should the backup disk have in comparison to the source disk(s)? My (current) backup disk is only somewhat larger than the amount of source data I have to backup.

After this, I'm thinking that it ought to be significantly larger.

Is there a rule of thumb for how much larger the backup disk ought to be in comparison to the overall aggregate size of the backed up source data ?



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