I'm not sure if this is relevant or helps, but I was googling for
"zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid block type" and
other than this very thread, all of the other results were to do with
mercurial or python stream decompression.
I meant to send the below reply to the list also. I really want to
get to the bottom of this.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Billy Crook <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:29
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] "Broken" backup destination. Bug, or
Disk error?
To: Peter HOWELL <address@hidden>
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 03:27, Peter HOWELL<address@hidden> wrote:
A quick look at you debug has an 'join acl' in it....
I am no expert or have fully read all your debug but....
putting --no-acls in the command line fixed all my problems and they all
work perfectly now.
it might be worth a try until someone who really knows gives a more
analytical result ;-)
Peter Howell
hmm.... Well, both ext3 and ext4 (the source and destination
filesystems) should support acls, but I'm not using them (AFAIK), so I
tried the --no-acls argument, but it still turbofailed.
What was the nature of the problems you solved by adding --no-acls?
This time I posted the last bit of the strace'd rdiff error to
rdiff-backup-users mailing list at address@hidden
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