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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Backup from FTP via curlFTPFS

From: Matt
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Backup from FTP via curlFTPFS
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:01:09 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Bram Schoenmakers wrote:

It's rather slow but, with only FTP access available, it's a pretty good
solution.  Hope someone finds this useful.

The problem with mounting remote, virtual, file systems is that there's only one rdiff-backup instance running: at the client. To compare a file, the whole file is transparently downloaded from the remote site. If it differs, the whole file is uploaded back + a delta.

It's not being uploaded back as our target is a local disk. The FTP filesystem is mounted readonly. It looks, from their bandwidth stats, that it's not actually downloading every file either. Perhaps it's just downloading those with changed timestamps?

The advantage of having rdiff-backup at the remote site is that client and server can efficiently communicate what has changed and only toss over the deltas.

Yep, I use rdiff-backup in the usual manner everywhere else. This FTP system was a least-worst option where a proper install simply wasn't possible. I was just reporting that it works nicely, as I thought there might be other people stuck in the same boat :)


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