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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Suggest feature --no-archive-if-no-changes

From: Andrew Ferguson
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Suggest feature --no-archive-if-no-changes
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 12:00:48 -0500

On Jan 18, 2009, at 12:48 AM, Dominic wrote:
As I understand it, every rdiff-backup run produces a record in the rdiff-backup repository. Many of my archives have source data which changes infrequently or in a few cases not at all, but rdiff-backup is run daily just in case. This means an accumulation of backup records which although they probably take up very little disk space, can greatly complicate understanding and retrieving data at a later date. For instance, archfs loads more and more slowly as the number of backup runs in the archive increases, and it creates an entry in the virtual directory structure for every backup of every file regardless of whether the file had changed or not.

I think it would be good if rdiff-backup had a switch something like --no-archive-if-no-changes which would mean that if there were no changes in the source data then nothing would be changed in the archive at all, and there would be no record of that rdiff-backup run.


When very little has changed between runs, the files which rdiff- backup writes use very little disk space, so I don't see your feature request as that important for rdiff-backup. It would be strange to look at a backup repository and see that the most recent increment file was from two weeks ago, but to believe that rdiff-backup should be running every night, or something like that.

Really, I think your problem is simply that some tools for looking at the repository (eg, archfs) are not optimized for the case of many trivial increments.

Although I don't know how easy or hard such a feature would be to implement in rdiff-backup, I think what you really want to do is fix tools like archfs.

I believe it's better for rdiff-backup to continue presenting lots of data, and then to have tools which organize or pare down that data, rather than to work out ways to suppress rdiff-backup from generating data in the first place.


PS -- As always, I am happy to evaluate patches. :-)

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