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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] KeyError: 'xattr'

From: Solli Moreira Honorio
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] KeyError: 'xattr'
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:08:53 -0300
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20080724)

Austin, I had the same problem on rdiff-backup on all of my Debians (sarge/etch/lenny). My workaround of this problem was just remove python-pyattr.

Solli M. Honorio

Austin Roberts escreveu:
I've been using rdiff-backup for a little over a year, and it has been very stable up until now. Several days ago, I had a crash and rdiff-backup was forcefully terminated. The next time I tried to backup, I got an error something like this:

Warning, could not find mirror_metadata file.
Metadata will be read from filesystem instead.
Fatal Error: No metadata for time Fri Sep 26 19:01:41 2008 (1222473701) found,
cannot regress

I eventually figured out that this was because I had multiple current_mirror files. I moved the older one to another directory, and it started backing up my files and rebuilding the metadata. I assume it's because it is rebuilding the metadata, it takes about as long as a full backup (I start the backup around 5:00 PM, it's not done by the time I go to bed). Once it backs up the last file, it gives the following error:

    Exception ''xattr'' raised of class '<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>':
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 302, in error_check_Main
        try: Main(arglist)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 322, in Main
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 278, in take_action
        elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 341, in Backup
        backup.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
        DestS.patch_and_increment(dest_rpath, source_diffiter, inc_rpath)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 238, in patch_and_increment
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 479, in close
        while self.cache_indicies: self.shorten_cache()
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 360, in shorten_cache
        changed_flag, success_flag, inc)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 410, in post_process
    "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/metadata.py", line
    443, in write_object
        if self.eawriter and not rorp.get_ea().empty():
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/rpath.py",
    line 1233, in get_ea
        except KeyError: ea = self.data['ea'] = ea_get(self)
    "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/eas_acls.py", line
    565, in rpath_ea_get
    "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/eas_acls.py", line
    59, in read_from_rp
        try: attr_list = rp.conn.xattr.listxattr(rp.path)
    line 65, in __getattr__
        elif isinstance(__builtins__, dict): return __builtins__[name]

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/bin/rdiff-backup", line 23, in <module>
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 302, in error_check_Main
        try: Main(arglist)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 322, in Main
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 278, in take_action
        elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/Main.py",
    line 341, in Backup
        backup.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 51, in Mirror_and_increment
        DestS.patch_and_increment(dest_rpath, source_diffiter, inc_rpath)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 238, in patch_and_increment
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 479, in close
        while self.cache_indicies: self.shorten_cache()
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 360, in shorten_cache
        changed_flag, success_flag, inc)
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/backup.py",
    line 410, in post_process
    "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/metadata.py", line
    443, in write_object
        if self.eawriter and not rorp.get_ea().empty():
      File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/rpath.py",
    line 1233, in get_ea
        except KeyError: ea = self.data['ea'] = ea_get(self)
    "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/eas_acls.py", line
    565, in rpath_ea_get
    "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/rdiff_backup/eas_acls.py", line
    59, in read_from_rp
        try: attr_list = rp.conn.xattr.listxattr(rp.path)
    line 65, in __getattr__
        elif isinstance(__builtins__, dict): return __builtins__[name]
    KeyError: 'xattr'
    Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system

And the next time I try to run a backup, I have multiple current_mirror files again, and no metadata for the most recent backup. If it were just a matter of getting it to backup, I could write a script that would remove one of the current_mirror files before initiating the backup, but I also don't have 10 hours for the backup every night.

If it comes down to it I'll scrap the existing repository and start over, but it would sure be nice to keep my last several months of backups in-tact as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

- Austin

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