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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] offsite service providers?

From: Ty! Boyack
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] offsite service providers?
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:00:43 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061219)

Greg Freemyer wrote:
On 3/15/07, Jonathan Sefton <address@hidden> wrote:
On 14 Mar 2007, at 16:50, Greg Freemyer wrote:

> Or know of another cost-effective way to get 200-500 GB of offsite
> storage for rdiff backups?  (I tend to have very small delta's so I'm
> won't need much bandwidth after the initial pass.)

I've just started using rsync.net for this - http://rsync.net/ - they
currently support rdiff-backup 1.0.4.  Standard rate is $1.60 per GB
per month, but this is discounted to $0.80 per GB per month for
400-999 GB.  So you'd be looking at maybe $400 per month - does that
count as cost effective?  (There are no bandwidth charges).
Excellent service so far.

It does look like a good product and I like the RAID-6 storage.

I'll think about the $400/month for 500GB.  Not outrageous, but more
than I was hoping for.


I don't know much about rsync.net, so don't take anything I'm saying as an attempt to steer you away from them. However, from just a cost perspective, it might be worth looking at colocating a server of your own. I'm guessing you have some experience setting up servers and rdiff-backup, so you could take care of that part yourself, and ship a server to a datacenter for them to plug in. I've been lucky enough to not have to rent colocation space myself, but I did recently look into it for another project. We found a site in Denver (http://www.icelab.com) that will host a server for $55/month/Rack-Unit, with 10GB/month traffic (Traffic can be increased pretty cheaply - $12.50/month for 10GB more). So if you were to build a 1U box with mirrored 750GB disks (comfortably around $3k) you would come out ahead in less than a year. Naturally, there is a much larger up-front cost since you have to purchase the server. I don't know if there is a steep setup fee at the colocation facility.

I would probably pre-sync all the data, then ship it to them to avoid the big/slow initial transfer and be able to only send your rdiff-backup deltas after they get it installed.

There is probably a similar service in your area - just search for "colocation 1u" and you'll find a bunch of shops that are catering to the small customer, rather than those that will colocate your complete server rack. Of course the big difference with rsync.net is that you are responsible for all server/software maintenance, whereas rsync.net does all that work and sells you a service.

*dislcaier* I've never colocated anything. If anyone has and wants to correct me from experience, please do so! I know this isn't a colocation forum, but we are all in the world of backups, and the two things seem to be pretty inseparable.


 Ty! Boyack
 NREL Unix Network Manager
 (970) 491-1186

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