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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Estimated time for a 20 GB backup

From: Stephen Boulet
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Estimated time for a 20 GB backup
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 03:25:51 -0600
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

For the first time, is it faster just to do "cp -a data backup-dir" and then 
run rdiff-backup with the "--force" option?

On Saturday 31 January 2004 11:15 pm, David Kempe wrote:
> Stephen Boulet wrote:
> > I got an 80 GB USB hard drive (it's really an IDE drive with a USB
> > conversion kit).    Does rdiff-backup take a long time to run the first
> > time, and should it run faster for later runs? So far, it's done about
> > 17GB over the last 6-8 hours.
> is that 40Mbytes/sec?
> thats probably about right for the drive+usb combo (usb2 i take it)
> read the website - basically next time it runs it will only transfer the
> changes and keep the old versions as reverse diffs. So yes - it will run
> drastically faster the next time.
> I have 18Gb odd backup sets that on an average day take 20mins or so for
> rdiff-backup to finish.
> thats over firewire
> dave

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