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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Missing files after rdiff-backup

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Missing files after rdiff-backup
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 14:59:51 -0700

>>>>> "WM" == Wolfe Maykut <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Tue, 5 Aug 2003 11:52:53 -0700

  WM>   Ok.  Actually, I figured this one out.  =) I still don't know
  WM> why those files didn't copy over, and similar files were not
  WM> copied in the new version.

That's really strange.  I don't know what the problem is.  It doesn't
look like an rdiff-backup problem offhand, but it very well could be.
If you ever figure anything out about this let me know.

  WM> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

  WM>   So, what does this mean?  One of the necessary files is
  WM> missing?  How can I fix that?

This error is usually raised when the directory
/backups/rdiff-backup-data/increments/scratch/ doesn't exist.  Thus
that file cannot be written to.

  WM> 3) (unrelated) I have a host of these errors when I run:
  WM> UpdateError
  WM> analysis/mathmod/intdata/R/paramecium/lme/weight/weight.r File
  WM> changed from regular file before signature ...even though the
  WM> timestamp on this file hasn't changed since a week before
  WM> rdiff-backup was run.

  Ben> Not sure.  Are these errors from the second session that
  Ben> failed?  How did it fail?

  WM>   Yes, these were from the session that failed.  However, I also
  WM> get them when the session does not fail.  Are they normal?

They are normal when a file system is changing underneath rdiff-backup
(see http://rdiff-backup.stanford.edu/error_policy.html for how update
errors are supposed to be handled).  But that doesn't seem to be the
case for your file system.

So, overall, you seem to be having a number of errors that I haven't
seen and that appear to be hard to debug.  If they are replicable it
might help to have a small directory that still raises the error.
Also it would be good to know if the errors happen when you just run
it locally, or only on a certain machine, etc.

Ben Escoto

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