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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] A small question about "users" on backups

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] A small question about "users" on backups
Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 09:55:09 -0700

>>>>> "SR" == srusinsky  <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on 05 May 2003 15:27:45 +0200

  SR> On the man pages it is said that rdiff-backup keeps uid/gid
  SR> informations of files.

  SR> I do suppose it does only keep numerical ID's, not the names ?
  SR> if this is the case is there any easy way to keep these names (
  SR> except by creating a small DB )?

You are right, only the numerical uid/gid is stored.  About keeping
the name, it depends on what you want exactly.  When you restore the
file back to the original system, it will have the gid/uid it had
before, and thus the same uname/gname, assuming the users and groups
haven't changed.  If you want the information preserved in some form,
then you can back up your /etc/group file I suppose.  But if you want
the group information to be mapped by name and not id (for instance if
"specialgroup" is 135 on one machine and 534 on the other, then a file
with gid 135 should end up with gid 534) then sorry rdiff-backup does
not have that feature.

Ben Escoto

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