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Re: [Quilt-dev] [patch] Quilt support for committing patches to CVS.

From: Joe Green
Subject: Re: [Quilt-dev] [patch] Quilt support for committing patches to CVS.
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 10:10:46 -0700
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Dean Roehrich wrote:
From:  Joe Green <address@hidden>
Yes, the difference in commit behaviors might be difficult to resolve to everyone's satisfaction. To me it seems natural for "quilt commit" to commit the patches/series, since that where quilt keeps its long-term
What does commit mean to you?  Are you using CVS terms?  Does it mean, "check
specified files into the SCM repository"?
Yes, that's what my commit command does.  The built-in support I added 
does the prep operations (cvs add/edit/remove) automatically via 
existing quilt commands.
Though I used the CVS term, I've kept the commit options simple in hopes 
that it would also be usable for other source control systems in the future.
So let's look at the opposite--in a BK tree a "quilt push" might first have to
checkout the series file and any necessary patch files.  A "quilt import"
might have to checkout the series file.
My usage with CVS is to get a workspace that contains the patches 
directory, which also contains the series file and tar files.  Then I 
use "quilt setup" to create a quilt tree that has this source controlled 
directory linked in as the patches directory.  From then on the support 
I implemented does the additional operations as necessary.
You shouldn't need to do source control operations on push or pop. 
"new" or "import" need to create a patch and modify (possibly create) 
the series file.  "refresh" needs to modify (possibly create) patch files.
Putting the commit issue aside for the moment, perhaps the right thing for the other hooks is to have separate functions like "scm_series_modify", "scm_patch_add", "scm_file_add", etc., and allow people to extend the ones they want?
So let's lay out some requirements for the various hooks that cover our needs,
and a way for people to get quilt to use the particular hooks they want active
in any particular source tree.

We need the ability to have the series file and the individual patch files
managed by an SCM and for quilt to communicate with that SCM before modifying
the series file or the patch files.  This should include notifying the SCM
before a new patch file is added to the patches directory.  This would cover
"quilt new", "quilt import", "quilt refresh", "quilt delete",....?
Yes, we'll probably run into some issues about sequencing.  e.g. CVS 
needs a file present before "cvs add", and needs the file removed before 
"cvs remove".
I'll try to restructure my patch into "generic" hooks and post it as a 
We need the ability to have the files being patched managed by an SCM and for
quilt to communicate with that SCM about any files that a "quilt push" will
modify or create.  This would cover "quilt add" and "quilt push" at least.  If
we were really ambitious it could cover "quilt remove" and "quilt pop".
I can't help you as much here.  Since I don't use quilt that way, I 
haven't looked into the points that would have to be hooked for this.
Joe Green <address@hidden>
MontaVista Software, Inc.

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