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[Quilt-dev] address@hidden: Re: quilt does not work with debian testing?

From: Martin Quinson
Subject: [Quilt-dev] address@hidden: Re: quilt does not work with debian testing?]
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:06:04 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.3i


I'm forwarding this mail to the list since I can't solve it myself...
Andreas, I guess the proposed patch will break the ability of having trees
of patches, won't it?

FYI, debian testing is the distribution between stable and unstable.

Thanks, Mt.

----- Forwarded message from Pavel Machek <address@hidden> -----

Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 13:19:11 +0100
From: Pavel Machek <address@hidden>
To: Martin Quinson <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: quilt does not work with debian testing?


> > I have bad problems with quilt on debian testing:
> > 
> > awk: line 2: regular expression compile failed (missing operand)
> > ^misc(|\.patch|\.diff?)(|\.gz|\.bz2)([ \t]|$)
> > 
> > have you seen it before? Somehow this awk refuses regular expression
> > meant for finding filename...
> Hum. No, I didn't heard about that before. Could you tell me what operation
> you were trying to do (ie, which command) when it happened, as long as the
> version used, please?

It was during something very basic, like quilt pop. I don't see an easy
way to get version out of quilt... It is less than week old checkout
from CVS.

address@hidden:~/sf/quilt$ awk -W version
mawk 1.3.3 Nov 1996, Copyright (C) Michael D. Brennan

compiled limits:
max NF             32767
sprintf buffer      1020

Meanwhile I hit two more roadblocks: quilt refresh would not work (it
missguessed name of patch and got expected it from stdin not file or
something like that), and when I fixed it I found that fix_diff_header
actually corrupts filenames. (Like ioctl.c -> ioctl.cctl.c).

I fixed first roadblock with

@@ -60,16 +60,7 @@

-       local patch=$1
-       if [ -e $SERIES ]
-       then
-               awk '/^'"$(quote_re
$patch)"'(|\.patch|\.diff?)(|\.gz|\.bz2)([ \t]|$)/ \
-                       { printf "'"$P"'patches/%s\n", $1
-                         exit
-                       }
-               ' $SERIES
-       fi
+       echo  "patches/$1"

 # The -pN option and possibly others that should be passed to patch.

(is it okay to have patches/misc, and series file containing just

and second one with:

@@ -550,8 +541,7 @@
        if read line
                echo "Index: $new_hdr"
-               (echo "$line" ; cat) \
-               | fix_diff_header $old_hdr $new_hdr
+               (echo "$line" ; cat) # | fix_diff_header $old_hdr


Horseback riding is like software...
...vgf orggre jura vgf serr.

----- End forwarded message -----

Nos péchés sont têtus, nos repentirs sont lâches
          --- Ch.Baudelaire, Les fleurs du mal

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