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[PATCH v2 11/14] tests/tcg: enable arm softmmu tests

From: Alex Bennée
Subject: [PATCH v2 11/14] tests/tcg: enable arm softmmu tests
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:08:30 +0000

To make it easier to test 32 bit Arm softmmu issues implement a basic
boot.S so we can build the multiarch tests. Currently CHECK_UNALIGNED
is disabled as I haven't got the right magic set for it to work.

Message-Id: <20231115205542.3092038-10-alex.bennee@linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org>

  - use endf macro for global function symbols in boot.S
 tests/tcg/arm/Makefile.softmmu-target |  64 +++++-
 tests/tcg/arm/system/boot.S           | 301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/tcg/arm/system/kernel.ld        |  24 ++
 3 files changed, 379 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/tcg/arm/system/boot.S
 create mode 100644 tests/tcg/arm/system/kernel.ld

diff --git a/tests/tcg/arm/Makefile.softmmu-target 
index 7857ab9324..aadc12767e 100644
--- a/tests/tcg/arm/Makefile.softmmu-target
+++ b/tests/tcg/arm/Makefile.softmmu-target
@@ -8,20 +8,64 @@ ARM_SRC=$(SRC_PATH)/tests/tcg/arm/system
 # Set search path for all sources
 VPATH          += $(ARM_SRC)
+# Specific Test Rules
+test-armv6m-undef: test-armv6m-undef.S
+       $(CC) -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mfloat-abi=soft \
+               -Wl,--build-id=none -x assembler-with-cpp \
+               $< -o $@ -nostdlib -N -static \
+               -T $(ARM_SRC)/$@.ld
-LDFLAGS+=-nostdlib -N -static
+run-test-armv6m-undef: QEMU_OPTS+=-semihosting -M microbit -kernel
-%: %.S %.ld
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) -T 
-# Specific Test Rules
+# These objects provide the basic boot code and helper functions for all tests
-test-armv6m-undef: EXTRA_CFLAGS+=-mcpu=cortex-m0 -mfloat-abi=soft 
-Wl,--build-id=none -x assembler-with-cpp
+ARM_TEST_SRCS=$(wildcard $(ARM_SRC)/*.c)
+ARM_TESTS+=$(patsubst $(ARM_SRC)/%.c, %, $(ARM_TEST_SRCS))
-run-test-armv6m-undef: QEMU_OPTS+=-semihosting -M microbit -kernel
+CFLAGS+=-nostdlib -ggdb -O0 $(MINILIB_INC)
+LDFLAGS+=-static -nostdlib -N $(CRT_OBJS) $(MINILIB_OBJS) -lgcc
+# building head blobs
+%.o: $(ARM_SRC)/%.S
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -x assembler-with-cpp -c $< -o $@
+# Build and link the tests
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
+# Running
+QEMU_BASE_MACHINE=-M virt -cpu max -display none
+QEMU_OPTS+=$(QEMU_BASE_MACHINE) -semihosting-config 
enable=on,target=native,chardev=output -kernel
+# Simple Record/Replay Test
+.PHONY: memory-record
+run-memory-record: memory-record memory
+       $(call run-test, $<, \
+         $(QEMU) -monitor none -display none \
+                 -chardev file$(COMMA)path=$<.out$(COMMA)id=output \
+                 -icount shift=5$(COMMA)rr=record$(COMMA)rrfile=record.bin \
+                 $(QEMU_OPTS) memory)
+.PHONY: memory-replay
+run-memory-replay: memory-replay run-memory-record
+       $(call run-test, $<, \
+         $(QEMU) -monitor none -display none \
+                 -chardev file$(COMMA)path=$<.out$(COMMA)id=output \
+                 -icount shift=5$(COMMA)rr=replay$(COMMA)rrfile=record.bin \
+                 $(QEMU_OPTS) memory)
-# We don't currently support the multiarch system tests
diff --git a/tests/tcg/arm/system/boot.S b/tests/tcg/arm/system/boot.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7915502ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcg/arm/system/boot.S
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Minimal ArmV7 system boot code.
+ *
+ * Using semihosting for serial output and exit functions.
+ */
+ * Semihosting interface on ARM AArch32
+ * R0 - semihosting call number
+ * R1 - semihosting parameter
+ */
+#define semihosting_call svc 0x123456
+#define SYS_WRITEC     0x03    /* character to debug channel */
+#define SYS_WRITE0     0x04    /* string to debug channel */
+#define SYS_EXIT       0x18
+#define ADP_Stopped_ApplicationExit    0x20026
+#define ADP_Stopped_InternalError      0x20024
+ * Helper macro for the linker calling subroutines from the C code.
+ */
+.macro         endf    name
+       .global \name
+       .type   \name, %function
+       .size   \name, . - \name
+       .section        .interrupt_vector, "ax"
+       .align  5
+       b   reset               /* reset vector */
+       b   undef_instr        /* undefined instruction vector */
+       b   software_intr       /* software interrupt vector */
+       b   prefetch_abort              /* prefetch abort vector */
+       b   data_abort          /* data abort vector */
+       nop                                 /* reserved */
+       b   IRQ_handler         /* IRQ vector */
+       b   FIQ_handler         /* FIQ vector */
+       .text
+       ldr     r0, =vector_table
+       mcr     p15, 0, r0, c12, c0, 0  /* Set up VBAR */
+       ldr     sp, =stack_end          /* Set up the stack */
+       bl      mmu_setup               /* Set up the MMU */
+       bl      main                    /* Jump to main */
+endf   __start
+       cmp r0, #0
+       ite EQ  // if-then-else. "EQ" is for if equal, else otherwise
+       ldreq r1, =ADP_Stopped_ApplicationExit // if r0 == 0
+       ldrne r1, =ADP_Stopped_InternalError   // else
+       mov r0, #SYS_EXIT
+       semihosting_call
+endf   _exit
+       /*
+ * Helper Functions
+ */
+       /*
+        * The MMU setup for this is very simple using two stage one
+        * translations. The first 1Mb section points to the text
+        * section and the second points to the data and rss.
+         * Currently the fattest test only needs ~50k for that so we
+        * have plenty of space.
+        *
+        * The short descriptor Section format is as follows:
+        *
+        *  PA[31:20] - Section Base Address
+        *  NS[19] - Non-secure bit
+        *  0[18] - Section (1 for Super Section)
+        *  nG[17] - Not global bit
+        *  S[16] - Shareable
+        *  TEX[14:12] - Memory Region Attributes
+        *  AP[15, 11:10] - Access Permission Bits
+        *  IMPDEF[9]
+        *  Domain[8:5]
+        *  XN[4] - Execute never bit
+        *  C[3] - Memory Region Attributes
+        *  B[2] - Memory Region Attributes
+        *  1[1]
+        *  PXN[0] - Privileged Execute Never
+        *
+        * r0 - point at the table
+        * r1 - address
+        * r2 - entry
+        * r3 - common section bits
+        * r4 - scratch
+        */
+       /*
+        * Memory Region Bits
+        *
+        *   TEX[14:12] = 000
+        *     C[3]     = 1
+        *     B[2]     = 1
+        *
+        * Outer and Inner WB, no write allocate
+        */
+       mov r3, #0
+       ldr r4, =(3 << 2)
+       orr r3, r4, r4
+       /* Section bit */
+       orr r3, r3, #2
+       /* Page table setup (identity mapping). */
+       ldr r0, =ttb
+       /* First block: .text/RO/execute enabled */
+       ldr r1, =.text
+       ldr r2, =0xFFF00000                     /* 1MB block alignment */
+       and r2, r1, r2
+       orr r2, r2, r3                          /* common bits */
+       orr r2, r2, #(1 << 15)                  /* AP[2] = 1 */
+       orr r2, r2, #(1 << 10)                  /* AP[0] = 1 => RO @ PL1 */
+       lsr r4, r2, #(20 - 2)
+       str r2, [r0, r4, lsl #0]                /* write entry */
+       /* Second block: .data/RW/no execute */
+       ldr r1, =.data
+       ldr r2, =0xFFF00000                     /* 1MB block alignment */
+       and r2, r1, r2
+       orr r2, r2, r3                          /* common bits */
+       orr r2, r2, #(1 << 10)                  /* AP[0] = 1 => RW @ PL1 */
+       orr r2, r2, #(1 << 4)                   /* XN[4] => no execute */
+       lsr r4, r2, #(20 - 2)
+       str r2, [r0, r4, lsl #0]                /* write entry */
+       /*
+        * DACR - Domain Control
+        *
+        * Enable client mode for domain 0 (we don't use any others)
+        */
+       ldr r0, =0x1
+       mcr p15, 0, r0, c3, c0, 0
+       /*
+        * TTCBR - Translation Table Base Control Register
+        *
+        * EAE[31] = 0, 32-bit translation, short descriptor format
+        * N[2:0] = 5 ( TTBRO uses 31:14-5 => 9 bit lookup stage )
+        */
+       ldr r0, =0x5
+       mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 2
+       /*
+        * TTBR0 -Translation Table Base Register 0
+        *
+        * [31:9] = Base address of table
+        *
+        * QEMU doesn't really care about the cache sharing
+        * attributes so we don't need to either.
+        */
+       ldr r0, =ttb
+       mcr p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 0
+       /*
+        * SCTLR- System Control Register
+        *
+        * TE[30] = 0, exceptions to A32 state
+        * AFE[29] = 0, AP[0] is the access permissions bit
+        * EE[25] = 0, Little-endian
+        * WXN[19] = 0 = no effect, Write does not imply XN (execute never)
+        * I[12] = Instruction cachability control
+        * C[2] = Data cachability control
+        * M[0] = 1, enable stage 1 address translation for EL0/1
+         *
+        * At this point virtual memory is enabled.
+        */
+       ldr r0, =0x1005
+       mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+       isb
+       mov  pc, lr  /* done, return to caller */
+/* Output a single character to serial port */
+       STMFD sp!, {r0-r1}  // push r0, r1 onto stack
+       mov r1, sp
+       mov r0, #SYS_WRITEC
+       semihosting_call
+       LDMFD sp!, {r0-r1}  // pop r0, r1 from stack
+       bx lr
+endf __sys_outc
+       ldr     r1, =reset_error
+       b exception_handler
+       ldr     r1, =undef_intr_error
+       b exception_handler
+       ldr     r1, =software_intr_error
+       b exception_handler
+       ldr     r1, =prefetch_abort_error
+       b exception_handler
+       ldr     r1, =data_abort_error
+       b exception_handler
+       ldr     r1, =irq_error
+       b exception_handler
+       ldr     r1, =fiq_error
+       b exception_handler
+ * Initiate a exit semihosting call whenever there is any exception
+ * r1 already holds the string.
+ */
+       mov     r0, #SYS_WRITE0
+       semihosting_call
+       mov     r0, #SYS_EXIT
+       mov     r1, #1
+       semihosting_call
+endf   exception_handler
+ * We implement a stub raise() function which errors out as tests
+ * shouldn't trigger maths errors.
+ */
+       .global raise
+       mov     r0, #SYS_WRITE0
+       ldr     r1, =maths_error
+       semihosting_call
+       mov     r0, #SYS_EXIT
+       ldr     r1, =ADP_Stopped_InternalError
+       semihosting_call
+endf raise
+       .data
+       .ascii "Reset exception occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "Undefined Instruction Exception Occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "Software Interrupt Occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "Prefetch Abort Occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "Data Abort Occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "IRQ exception occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "FIQ exception occurred.\n\0"
+       .ascii "Software maths exception.\n\0"
+       /*
+        * 1st Stage Translation table
+        * 4096 entries, indexed by [31:20]
+        * each entry covers 1Mb of address space
+        * aligned on 16kb
+        */
+       .align  15
+       .space  (4096 * 4), 0
+       .align  12
+       /* Space for stack */
+       .align  5
+       .section .bss
+       .space 65536, 0
diff --git a/tests/tcg/arm/system/kernel.ld b/tests/tcg/arm/system/kernel.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b3a76dcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcg/arm/system/kernel.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+    /* virt machine, RAM starts at 1gb */
+    . = (1 << 30);
+    .text : {
+        *(.text)
+    }
+    .rodata : {
+        *(.rodata)
+    }
+    /* align r/w section to next 2mb */
+    . = ALIGN(1 << 21);
+    .data : {
+        *(.data)
+    }
+    .bss : {
+        *(.bss)
+    }
+    /DISCARD/ : {
+        *(.ARM.attributes)
+    }

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