I'm currently trying to run Fedora 31 under qemu-user
in order to debug a vector instruction issue.
Strangely, when trying to chroot into above rootfs and running
/bin/bash, I get
t460s: ~/f31 $ sudo chroot . ./qemu-s390x /bin/bash
TODO /home/dhildenb/git/qemu/tcg/tci.c:859: tcg_qemu_tb_exec()
/home/dhildenb/git/qemu/tcg/tci.c:859: tcg fatal error
But it's not fundamentally broken:
t460s: ~/f31 $ sudo chroot . ./qemu-s390x /bin/ls
bin dev home lib64 media opt qemu-s390x run srv tmp var
boot etc lib lost+found mnt proc root sbin sys usr
I do wonder why we don't run into the same issue under qemu-systems390x.