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Re: [Qemu-ppc] PPC: Which instruction to fetch at Power-On?

From: Fabien Chouteau
Subject: Re: [Qemu-ppc] PPC: Which instruction to fetch at Power-On?
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:10:01 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130308 Thunderbird/17.0.4

On 03/28/2013 12:46 PM, Alexander Graf wrote:
> On 28.03.2013, at 12:42, Fabien Chouteau wrote:
>> While working on a patch to remove env->hreset_excp_prefix, I'm looking
>> at which instruction should be the fetched first at power-on. I'm lost
>> in all the PPC version and configuration, can anyone (Alex :) can help
>> me with this mess?
> Phew - I'd say just keep the targets you don't know exactly as they are :). 
> That way you at least don't break anything that wasn't broken before.
> For the targets where you do know better (like 7x0), change its behavior to 
> be correct according to the respective spec.

Here's what I found in the UM of almost all the cores supported by QEMU:

Every CPU should start at the hreset address (i.e. excp_prefix + 0x100).

However, some cores don't have a hreset exception (4xx and Book E (e200,
e500)), those cores start at 0xFFFF_FFFC.

Fabien Chouteau

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