Hi Bastian,
Thanks for the information. I thought that I can do some prototyping before the HW arrives. :)
Yes I am interested for your bare metal program boot_to_main run it on TSIM.
Is Infineon TSIM free? I searched it and I didn't find any download link. Could you please give a link for that if it is from Infineon?
Could you let me know who is developing it ? is it possible to take an existing SCU and modify according to AURIX data sheet? I see that UART is possible to for Tricore like the one developed for ARM versatile platform
Here is the link
I have aurix development trial version and able to compile a UART project using Tasking compiler and tried to run it on qemu, but I don't see any logs in the qemu terminal as you said there is no peripherals implemented
qemu-system-tricore -machine KIT_AURIX_TC277_TRB -cpu tc27x -m 6M -nographic -kernel ASCLIN_Shell_UART_1_KIT_TC277_TFT.elf -serial stdio -append "console=ttyAMA0 console=ttyS0"
Also do you know if there is a virtual UART framework to communicate between two Qemu instances or two TSIM instances running similar OS or different OS? I need to do prototype testing RPMSg communication between MCU and SOC using external physical UART/SPI which can be tested using vritual UART using two qemu instances.