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QEMU CAN-FD emulation

From: Sukreet pal
Subject: QEMU CAN-FD emulation
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 10:28:44 +0100

Hi ,
I currently have emulated an arm versatile board with PCI support with linux kernel 3.18.31.
I have built the board using buildroot 2015.02
I am running my board with the following :-

sudo qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel output/images/zImage -drive file=output/images/RootFS.ext3,if=scsi -append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyAMA0,115200" -nographic -object can-bus,id=canbus0 -device kvaser_pci,canbus=canbus0 -object can-host-socketcan,id=canhost0,if=vcan0,canbus=canbus0

In my host linux I have set-up virtual CAN-bus using the following commands:-

sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set up vcan0 mtu 72

At the end I want to send CAN signal from my host and read in my guest.

I have followed this paper :- paper.dvi (cvut.cz)

My board is currently booted up but I unable to recieve any CAN signal. I am currently facing obstacle on what to do next ? As there is no proper tutorial to do it.

It would be really helpful , if someone could suggest me something.


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