# fluff import atexit import json import socket import subprocess import time QMP_PORT = 12345 TEST_PORT = 12346 QEMU = 'qemu-system-x86_64' ARGS = ['-nographic', '-qmp', f'tcp:{QMP_PORT},server,nowait,nodelay', '-device', 'virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0', '-netdev', 'user,id=net0,restrict=on'] p = subprocess.Popen([QEMU] + ARGS, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) atexit.register(p.kill) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) time.sleep(.2) try: print('QMP connecting, attempt 1/2') sock.connect(('', QMP_PORT)) except ConnectionRefusedError: print('QMP connecting, attempt 2/2') time.sleep(2) sock.connect(('', QMP_PORT)) print('QMP connected...') def execute(cmd, **kwargs): sock.send(json.dumps( {'execute': cmd, 'arguments': kwargs} if kwargs else {'execute': cmd} ).encode()) print('executed:', cmd, kwargs) def expect(validator_func=None): r = b'' while True: r += sock.recv(1) if r[-1] == ord('\n'): reply = json.loads(r.decode()) print(f'received: {reply}') if validator_func is not None: assert validator_func(reply) return reply execute('qmp_capabilities') expect(lambda r: 'QMP' in r) # inspect as started up execute('human-monitor-command', **{'command-line': 'info network'}) expect(lambda r: r == {'return': {}}) reply = expect(lambda r: set(r.keys()) == {'return'}) # Should be: # virtio-net-pci.0: index=0,type=nic,model=virtio-net-pci,macaddr=... # \ net0: index=0,type=user,net=,restrict=on assert('restrict=on' in reply['return']) print() # modify execute('netdev_add', type='user', id='net0', restrict=False, # unrestrict hostfwd=[{'str': f'tcp:{TEST_PORT}-:1'}]) # ^ *not* a list of strings as the documentation claims # inspect modified execute('human-monitor-command', **{'command-line': 'info network'}) expect(lambda r: r == {'return': {}}) reply = expect(lambda r: set(r.keys()) == {'return'}) # And now we have two net0s: # virtio-net-pci.0: index=0,type=nic,model=virtio-net-pci,macaddr=... # \ net0: index=0,type=user,net=,restrict=on # \ net0: index=0,type=user,net=,restrict=off assert('restrict=on' in reply['return']) assert('restrict=off' in reply['return']) # connect to modified sock_test = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) time.sleep(.2) sock_test.connect(('', TEST_PORT)) sock_test.close() print(f'port {TEST_PORT} accepting connections')