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Re: building dif. target system using qemu suit - Update.

From: Frans de Boer
Subject: Re: building dif. target system using qemu suit - Update.
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2021 21:17:24 +0200
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On 9/5/21 21:18, Ken Moffat wrote:
On Sun, Sep 05, 2021 at 08:24:08PM +0200, Frans de Boer wrote:
On 9/4/21 10:31, Frans de Boer wrote:

When I use qemu-aarch64to start a chroot jail and within the jail use
qemu-aarch64-binfmt to cope with the different binary file headers, I
can't use bash properly.

That is, the -r and -x flags do not give the normal response. I tested
also with -a, -d, -f, -e and -s, and they worked as expected. This
behavior stops me from building a new (aarch64) system on a x86_64 build
system. Within the chroot jail, I can start programs, run (bash) scripts
as long as these scripts do not use the -r and -x tests. There are maybe
more tests not working or just working, but these are the ones I tested.

Normally, one would use a build system with the same target
architecture, but that implies that you already have a target system up
and running. Qemu with binfmt sounded as a possible solution, but as
reported above, that seems not the case any longer.

But maybe I do something wrong and thus seek advice how to proceed from

Regards, Frans.
Tried the same with ppc64, same bad results.


I assume you mean 'test -r ' and 'test -x ' ?

I've never used qemu for compiling a different arch, but I guess
that you have some version of both 'ls' and 'ldd' ?  Perhaps,
running 'ls -l' against a file which does exist but fails the '-r'
test, and 'ldd' against a file which is present and excepted to be
executable (and not a script) might provide you with clues.

Yes, I did mean the 'test -r' and other 'test ..'. Sorry, was not clear about that.
When in the chroot jail, I type:

if test -r /usr/sbin/chroot; then echo y; fi
Nothing is displayed. Next:

ldd /usr/sbin/chroot, ends with:
ldd: error: you do not have read permission for `/usr/sbin/chroot'
(lfs chroot) root /# ls -l /usr/sbin/chroot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 203024 Sep  3 08:01 /usr/sbin/chroot

And, 'chroot --help' shows the help message from chroot.
Also, I can 'cat' or 'cp' the files without error.

Other files gave the same result.

--- Frans.

A: Yes, just like that                            A: Ja, net zo
Q: Oh, Just like reading a book backwards         Q: Oh, net als een boek 
achterstevoren lezen
A: Because it upsets the natural flow of a story  A: Omdat het de natuurlijke 
gang uit het verhaal haalt
Q: Why is top-posting annoying?                   Q: Waarom is Top-posting zo 

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