Hello All,
We are using xlnx-zcu102 machine and following command to boot the QNX OS as guest on top of QEMU with WIndows as HOST OS.
QEMU Command to boot QNX Image-
qemu-system-aarch64 -M xlnx-zcu102 -m 8G -serial mon:stdio -display none -device loader,file=E:\QNX-IFS.bin,cpu-num=0
We are working on the gptp timing. To implement the gptp time we need to enable the system tick (Xilinx-zcu102 + QNX + QEMU).
For getting the Timer Counter's value we are trying to read Counter_Value_1 (TTC) Register as mentioned in the given link
https://www.xilinx.com/html_docs/registers/ug1087/ug1087-zynq-ultrascale-registers.html#ttc___counter_value_1.htmlQuery -
How to enable the system tick in QEMU enviroment(Xilinx-zcu102 + QNX + QEMU). Do we need to configure any command line option in the QEMU command.