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How to make a VM guest look like just another metal machine on my LAN?
From: |
Steve Litt |
Subject: |
How to make a VM guest look like just another metal machine on my LAN? |
Date: |
Sun, 21 Feb 2021 03:46:30 -0500 |
Hi all,
My LAN at home is on, connected to the Internet via a
cablemodem/firewall/router/gateway at My Daily Driver
Desktop (DDD), which will after this be referred to as the "host" or
"metal host" is at I have a printer with an http interface
at Throughout this post I'm careful to discriminate
between the metal host and the VM guest, which is created on the metal
host, for all config options.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to launch a VM guest (Devuan) on my
metal host (Void Linux), such that the VM guest performs as if it were
just another physical computer on my LAN.
I've been reading and experimenting for four days and still don't have
what I need. Here are some of the documents I've used trying to get
this done:
I'm trying to do it purely with ip commands, although I could use brctl
if necessary. I'm staying away from virt-manager and aqemu because they
don't work on my Void Linux metal host, and would just add even more
variables and ambiguity.
Speaking of ambiguity, every document I've read (and I've read dozens)
has the following ambiguities:
1) When discussing a setting, they don't indicate whether that setting
should be on the metal host or the VM guest. Perhaps to a person who
thoroughly understands virtual machines, such a distinction would be
obvious via context, but it's not obvious to me.
2) When specifying an "id=whatever", they don't indicate how the id
would be used, or what other references to that id need to be made.
3) They include no realistic steps for troubleshooting a "warning:
netdev mybridge0 has no peer" type warning, nor even explain what it
means more than a few guesses and "have you tried...".
Based on the previously listed links, I deduce that the TAP is created
by the guest VM, in such a way that it attaches to the bridge created on
the metal host, and therefore I have no need to create a TAP on the
metal host.
Here's my progress so far, based on the links listed above and my
other readings and experimentation:
I build the bridge purely with ip commands. Also, I don't mess
with the firewall (which perhaps has been my problem all along). I'll
investigate the firewall aspect tomorrow.
Below are some scripts and stuff I'm using. The following is
upnet.sh, which I use to set up networking on the metal host, which
happens to run Void Linux, which has no /etc/network/interfaces:
echo -n "ERROR: Can\'t set TAP without "
echo -n "BRIDGE! "
echo Aborting...
exit 1
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo "Unsetting everything for $dev, $ip_maj and $ip_min"
ip link set dev tap0 down
brctl delif br0 tap0
ip link del tap0
ip link set dev br0 down
ip addr del $ip_min/24 dev br0
ip addr del $ip_maj/24 dev br0
brctl delbr br0
ip link set dev $dev down
ip addr del $ip_min/24 dev $dev
ip addr del $ip_maj/24 dev $dev
echo ""
echo "Setting hostname and localhost"
hostname=`grep -v "^\s*#" /etc/hostname | head -n1`
ip link set dev lo up
echo ""
echo Creating device link for $dev
ip link set dev $dev up
echo ""
echo -n "Setting physical device addresses "
echo -n "$ip_maj "
echo -n "and $ip_min "
echo -n "for $physdev "
echo "with gateway $gateway"
ip link set dev $dev down
ip addr add $ip_maj/24 dev $dev
ip addr add $ip_min/24 dev $dev
ip link set dev $dev up
ip route add default via $gateway
echo ""
echo Setting bridge for $dev
echo -n "Creating and setting bridge addresses "
echo -n "$ip_maj "
echo -n "and $ip_min "
echo -n "for $physdev "
echo "with gateway $gateway"
ip link add name br0 type bridge
ip link set dev $dev master br0
ip addr add $ip_maj/24 dev br0
ip addr add $ip_min/24 dev br0
ip link set dev br0 up
ip route add default via $gateway
echo ""
echo Setting tap
ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap
brctl addif br0 tap0
#ip addr add dev tap0
ip link set dev tap0 up
echo ""
echo -n "Networking follows in 3 seconds..."
sleep 3
echo "\n"
echo "========================================"
echo "========================================"
ip -4 link
echo "......................"
ip -4 addr
echo "......................"
ip -4 route
echo "========================================"
echo "========================================"
echo "\nBegin upnet.sh"
[ "$use_tap" = "1" ] && [ "$use_bridge" != "1" ] && \
unset_everything $dev $ipaddr_major $ipaddr_minor $gateway
create_phys_device_link $dev $ipaddr_major $ipaddr_minor $gateway
[ "$use_bridge" = "1" ] || \
set_phys_device_addr $dev $ipaddr_major $ipaddr_minor $gateway
[ "$use_bridge" = "1" ] && set_bridge $dev \
$ipaddr_major $ipaddr_minor $gateway
[ "$use_tap" = "1" ] && \
set_tap $dev $ipaddr_major $ipaddr_minor $gateway
The preceding script just builds br0 with ip addresses and, default route (gateway), for my metal host,
and runs every time my metal host is rebooted (or it can be run any
time). It has provisions to build a tap, or to not build a bridge and
instead assign the IP addresses and default route to enp40s0 itself.
The next shellscript runs on my metal host (Void Linux) to launch a
(Devuan) VM guest:
qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm \
-cdrom $dvddir/devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64-desktop.iso \
-hda /scratch/qemu_images/beowulf.disk \
-m 4G \
-boot c \
-netdev bridge,id=mybridge0,br=br0 \
-netdev user,id=mynet0,restrict=no,net= -device
e1000,netdev=mynet0 \
In the preceding, notice that the blank line at the end is necessary to
end the series of backslashed lines. I backslash ALL the lines so
experimentally I can move things in and out and rearrange. Like I said,
I've tried hundreds of combinations.
In the preceding, I didn't declare a TAP. As best I could read the
various conflicting documentation, the VM guest *creates* the tap and
connects it to the metal host created bridge, so no need to create the
TAP on the metal host. But then again, I've tried it both ways.
One hint I've gotten, a hint which I cannot bring to fruition because
of sparse and contradictory documentation, is that the preceding script
brings up a "no peer for mybridge0" warning on the terminal from which
it was run. I've tried substituting "eth0", enp40s0, and "junk" for
"mybridge0", and as I remember (hundreds of experiments, didn't write
them all down), doing so didn't affect the symptom (the no peer
warning). I chose the preceding script due to the following
documentation, which seemed better than most:
On my Devuan *guest* VM, I have the following /etc/network/interfaces,
as suggested by a careful reading of
source /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
auto tap0
iface tap0 ifacem manual
vde-switch -t tap0
auto br0 inet static
bridge-ports tap0
When, on the *host*, I run my instantiations script to create a guest
VM, the following is output to the terminal:
[root@mydesk qemu_images]# ./runbeowulf.sh
WARNING: Image format was not specified for
'/scratch/qemu_images/beowulf.disk' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write
operations on block 0 will be restricted. Specify the 'raw' format
explicitly to remove the restrictions. qemu-system-x86_64: warning:
netdev mybridge0 has no peer
After that, my Devuan guest VM appears, to which I log in and run a
terminal. IP addresses are for the guest VM itself, and (my metal host) for the default route.
The VM guest can lynx to my nginx server on, and to any
HTML page on the Internet, but cannot lynx to my printer at or my metal cable modem at From my metal
desktop (which runs the guest VM) at I cannot ssh to
[slitt@mydesk qemu]$ ssh slitt@
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
[slitt@mydesk qemu]$
I'm pretty sure "no route to host" means this isn't caused by a
firewall problem, although once I fix the routing thing, that might
unmask a further firewall problem.
In other words, my VM guest is in no way a peer of the various metal
hosts on my physical Ethernet network.
If anybody has any words of wisdom, and can identify whether each
wisdom word applies to the metal host or the guest VM, I'd love to hear
them. I could also use info on what the "id=" should be, and how to
narrow down and diagnose a "has no peer" warning.
Steve Litt
Autumn 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
- How to make a VM guest look like just another metal machine on my LAN?,
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