I am trying to have MS DOS 6.22 with Raspberry PI and using QEMU.
Managed to have up and running QEMU and create disk using
( qemu-img create -f qcow2 ~/Documents/MSDOS622.disk 256M)
Then started qemu and gaved the first installation floppy disk - it worked.
(qemu-system-i386 -hda ~/Documents/MSDOS622.disk -m 64 -fda ~/Downloads/622/Dos622_1.IMA -boot a) and it worked ref. to attachment file.
But when I have to "insert"/change second floppy disk I am stuck not able to change was releasing grab back to QEMU console and typing
(change floppy0 /home/pi/Downloads/622/Dos622_2.IMA) and seems like nothing happens tried go back to emulation window still no disk 2 ?
I am a newbie in Linux and QEMU and I will appreciate any help or advice !
Thank you and looking forward to hear
from you soon