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Re: [Qemu-discuss] boot symlinked block device?

From: p
Subject: Re: [Qemu-discuss] boot symlinked block device?
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 15:42:33 +0200
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Thanks, by-id works!

Am 22. Oktober 2018 05:42:08 MESZ schrieb "Christopher Snowhill (kode54)" 
>You could also use the /dev/disk/by-id/ symlink already created for it,
>but if your existing symlink doesn’t work, I don’t suppose the existing
>ones will, either.
>> On Oct 20, 2018, at 12:58 AM, address@hidden wrote:
>> Hi
>> I use QEMU(2.12.1)/KVM with virt-manager with gentoo.
>> I added an SSD drive to the VM as primary boot device.
>> The problem is now on every reboot of my gentoo box the
>> SSD gets a different device name assigned (sdc,sde,sdd)
>> and I have to reassign the SDD in virt-manager and select new
>> boot order...
>> To prevent that I issue a udev rule that creates a unique
>> symlink to that device:
>> SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTRS{vendor}=="NORELSYS", ATTRS{model}=="106X",
>> I then create a drive in virt-manager that has the "windows-disk" and
>I set it to
>> the first boot device.
>> But QEMU does not boot from it... Instead it show me the EFI shell
>and when I exit the shell
>> I can select one of the many drives in the boot menu and it bootes
>the windows-vm...
>> Can QEMU not boot from symlinked devices?

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