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[Qemu-discuss] Emulating Ubuntu Mate ARMHF via QEMU on a Windows 7 32bit

From: Casey Burk
Subject: [Qemu-discuss] Emulating Ubuntu Mate ARMHF via QEMU on a Windows 7 32bit Host for Raspberry Pi Projects?
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:39:59 -0400

All -

All fingers point to QEMU as being able to emulate ARMHF Ubuntu Mate on a
Windows 7 32bit Host. Is this possible? I'd like to do this for Raspberry
Pis I'm working on at home. (I have 2 headless Raspberry Pi 3s I use around
the house to stream music, so whenever I need to make changes to them, I'd
like to be able to make changes to a single virtualization first prior to
pushing the changes to the actual Pis.)

Do any of you know for sure if QEMU can do this? Better yet, is there any
documentation that could walk me through the process? I'd be using this
version of Ubuntu Mate:



*Casey* <http://www.caseyburk.com>

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