From: | Yanjun Yang |
Subject: | Re: [Qemu-discuss] Unable to use DMA of PCI IDE bus master |
Date: | Sat, 25 Jun 2016 20:49:44 +0800 |
I know it is piix3 because I used a linux disk-image to boot the machine and got theOn Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Jakob Bohm <address@hidden> wrote:On 24/06/2016 02:13, Yanjun Yang wrote:I wasn't asking what the command line to qemu was.
On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Jakob Bohm <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
On 23/06/2016 09:02, Yanjun Yang wrote:
Hi,Which (virtual) hardware disk controller and (if applicable)
I was trying to use DMA to transfer a sector of data from hardisk
to memory. The attached
code works under VirtualBox (change bmcr address to D000) but
not under newer version
of qemu. An old version of qemu (1.1.2 from Debian wheezy)
behave as I expected. Other
version I tested are from stable branch, 2.6.50 from Arch
Linux, they both give all
zero result.
The following code was compiled by Jwasm(MASM compatible) under
dos. It'll display the
first sector of data from disk on screen. I don't know whether
there is bugs in my code or
I miss a configuration of qemu.
To test my code, I just used a clean install of FreeDos, and run
the executable compiled by
Jwasm. I didn't use any special qemu command line switch, just
"qemu-system-x86_64 dos.cow"
and run the executable inside the emulated dos environment.
Any comment will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
chipset does this assume?
Is this the hardware emulated by default by the qemu command you ran?
Are you trying to access the ISA-bus compatible DMA controller at I/O
port 0x0040 using the obscure fact that older ISA machines only
decoded the low 10 bits of the I/O port address?
All my test were based on default pc configuration. I also tried "-M pc-1.0" with no luck.
The disk controller always be piix3-ide, and at the end of transfer (interrupt asserted), the
active bit of BM_STATUS register is set, which is not right according to the datasheet.
I was asking how the hardware assumed by your code compares to what
different versions of qemu is trying to emulate.
Because the real issue is: Does qemu correctly emulate the hardware it
is trying to emulate or have you uncovered a bug in some of that
emulation code.
I am also not sure piix3 is still the chipset being emulated.info from 'lspci' command. I think the programming interface I used is ok for mostHowever, I'm not an expert in either field of qemu or IDE controller, I don't know whereto go from this point. The only thing I know is newer version of qemu breaks codeused to work, maybe I should check this code on real hardware to give me a directionto look into.
========== code attached below ===========
STACK segment para stack 'STACK'
db 512 dup(0)
STACK ends
BMCR_BASE equ 0c040h ; Bus Master Control Register
base address
BM_STATUS_REG equ BMCR_BASE + 2 ; Status
BM_PRD_ADDR_REG equ BMCR_BASE + 4 ; Physical Region
Descriptor address
PIO_BASE_ADDR1 equ 01f0h
PIO_BASE_ADDR2 equ 03f6h
SEC_NUM equ 1
DATA segment use16 para 'DATA'
align 2
Buf db 512 * SEC_NUM DUP (0) ; DMA Buffer
BufLen equ $ - Buf
align 4
PRD_Buf dd 0 ; Physical Region Descriptor Buffer
dd 0
DATA ends
EchoCH macro ascii
mov ah, 2
mov dl, ascii
int 21h
outx macro reg, val
mov dx, reg
mov al, val
out dx, al
inx macro reg
mov dx, reg
in al, dx
CODE segment use16
assume cs:CODE,ds:DATA,ss:STACK
mov ax, DATA
mov ds, ax
outx BM_COMMAND_REG, 00h ; start/STOP = 0, reset BM status
outx BM_STATUS_REG, 00000110B; clear interrupt and error flag
; create PRD
mov ax, ds
movzx eax, ax
shl eax, 4 ; eax=base for data segment
add eax, offset Buf ; eax=base for PRD_Bufj
mov PRD_Buf, eax ; Physical address
mov word ptr [PRD_Buf+4], BufLen ; Byte count [15:1]
mov word ptr [PRD_Buf+6], 8000h ; EOT=1
mov ax, ds
movzx eax, ax
shl eax, 4
add eax, offset PRD_Buf
out dx, eax ; PRD address
outx BM_COMMAND_REG, 08h ; R/W=1, read from disk
call WaitDevice
outx PIO_BASE_ADDR1+6, 00h ; Dev=0
call WaitDevice
;outx PIO_BASE_ADDR2, 00 ; enable interrupt
outx PIO_BASE_ADDR1 + 1, 00h ; =00
outx PIO_BASE_ADDR1 + 2, SEC_NUM ; sector num
outx PIO_BASE_ADDR1 + 5, LBASECTOR/65536
outx PIO_BASE_ADDR1 + 6, 01000000B OR (LBASECTOR/256/256/256)
outx PIO_BASE_ADDR1 + 7, 0C8h ; 0C8h=READ DMA
outx BM_COMMAND_REG, 09h ; R/W=1, START/STOP=1, start DMA
and al, 00000100B
outx BM_STATUS_REG, 00000100B
outx BM_COMMAND_REG, 00h ; START/STOP = 0, stop DMA
call ShowBuf
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
; Wait until BSY=0,DRQ=0
WaitDevice proc
inx PIO_BASE_ADDR1 + 7
and al, 10001000b
jnz address@hidden
WaitDevice endp
;Show what's in the buffer
ShowBuf proc
lea si, Buf
mov bp, BufLen / 16
mov cx,16
push ax
shr al, 4
call ToAscii
EchoCH al
pop ax
call ToAscii
EchoCH al
EchoCH ' '
loop NextCh
EchoCH 0dh
EchoCH 0ah
dec bp
jnz NextLine
ShowBuf endp
ToAscii proc
and al, 0fh
cmp al, 10
jae address@hidden
add al,'0'
@@: add al,'A' - 10
ToAscii endp
CODE ends
end start
Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S. https://www.wisemo.com
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark. Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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