yeah i have been through that doc before, but didn't work.
if it is a ubuntu host i don't have issue with networking.
But with windows 8 host, its not working as expected.
i tried bridging the tap network, and also user mode networking. But for some reason VM network is always internal.
It cannot connect to host or to external internet connection.
and most of the time i am getting this error while using tap network "qemu-system-i386.exe: -net tap,ifname=TAP: Device 'tap' could not be initialized"
trying all different combinations but nothing successful.
qemu-system-i386.exe -hda linux.img -boot c -vga std -net nic,model=virtio -net bridge,br=tapbr -m 1024 -net user,id=Ethernet,net=,dhcpstart= -redir tcp:5555::80 -redir tcp:5556::445
Again thanks for the inputs