We used qemu 1.7 on ubuntu 14.04 before ubuntu upgraded the qemu package
to 2.0.0. In version 1.7 we would this kind of reply on query-migrate:
However, after upgrading to 2.0.0 we lost a couple of fields including the
mbps of the RAM transfer. This information is/was usefull to us. Is this a
bug or is this removed on purpose? The reply in version 2.0.0 looks like
"return": {
"expected-downtime": 30,
"status": "active",
"total-time": 5759,
"ram": {
"total": 1082720256,
"remaining": 912306176,
"transferred": 168646095,
"duplicate": 128,
"dirty-pages-rate": 0,
"skipped": 128,
"normal-bytes": 169885696,
"normal": 41476