On 10/01/13 14:59, chronodekar wrote:
Thank you for replying dE.
I tried using gtk as below and get the following error,
./qemu-1.6.0/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -M
versatilepb -gtk -m 128M -kernel
qemu-system-arm: -gtk: invalid option
Using curses like this,
-M versatilepb -curses -m 128M -kernel
Just makes my terminal window go blank and I don't see
anything. My host system is ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit) 4GB RAM. I
can understand if the simulation (or emulation?) is slow,
but for nothing to appear for about 30 seconds makes me
think something is wrong (I killed the qemu-system-arm
process from another terminal window after that time
period). Or should I wait longer?
As for not using the ubuntu package manager, I want to
eventually try adding my own custom board to qemu - which
means that I'd better start getting used to compiling the
code. Note; I don't have any hardware and am using this as a
way to learn more about ARM systems.
Off-topic: Do I use "reply-to-all" when responding or only reply
to "qemu-discuss[at] nongnu.org" ? (am new to mailing
The system that you're starting has menus in it, so that cant be
displayed in ncurses mode. Try -sdl.
In x86 virtulization, we have these modes (-gtk, -sdl). There's no
reason why they should not be available on other archs.
While compiling, check to see if youv'e enabled support for gtk and
sdl (we do have these options according to Gentoo package manager).