[Qemu-discuss] massive slowdown for reverts after given amount of time o
kovatsch janos
[Qemu-discuss] massive slowdown for reverts after given amount of time on any newer versions
Fri, 1 Feb 2013 12:07:31 +0200
we are using quemu for some automated tests for a few years now to test various software. initially it was decided that fedora was to be used, so all of the test machines had fedora 12 x64 installed. we are using quemu 0.11.0 (qemu-kvm-0.11.0) and cannot upgrade it, so we are stuck with this version of qemu and fedora 12 because of the following reasons:
the test process goes as follows: -a qemu image is loaded that has windows installed on it (version doesn't matter, it can be xp,7-x86/x64), the operating system is in a running state -the test is ran for a few minutes, then the vm is stopped
-it reverts to the image and starts a new virtual machine
note that every virtual machine image has 1 gb ram (some xp images have 768 mb)
this works very well on the given qemu version, but as soon as we upgraded to later versions of fedora, after a few days, there always appeared a massive slowdown at the step of reverting and running the vm (it grew from 5 seconds to sometimes over a minute)
the distribution does not matter as other distributions were tested too example: fedora 12: revert to image and start running virtual machine (5 seconds)->run test(1-2 minutes)->close vm(few seconds)->restart the process
fedora 13 and later, first day: revert to image and start running virtual machine (5
seconds)->run test(1-2 minutes)->close vm(few seconds)->restart
the process fedora 13 and later, second day: revert to image and start running virtual machine (15-20
seconds)->run test(1-2 minutes)->close vm(few seconds)->restart
the process fedora 13 and later, after 5-7 days: revert to image and start running virtual machine (60+
seconds)->run test(1-2 minutes)->close vm(few seconds)->restart
the process
there is a nasty workaround for this slowdown: if we create a new snapshot at the end of every day, we can keep a daily constant 5-6 second revert time
methods to reproduce: -install fedora 13 or later (x64)
-install qemu-kvm -create virtual machine with windows xp/7 -create snapshot of a running machine
-start reverting and measure the time it takes to do the revert (gettime->virsh snapshot-revert->gettime)
-after a few days there should be an increase in the time it takes to execute the script
there is another way to avoid waiting days: simply set the system time to 1 week before and start the revert, it should take almost 2 minutes to do the revert