I am new to Qemu..
I would like to use Qemu in the following context:
Emulate a Sparc5 running SunOS 4.1.3 on a i386 machine (installed in
Debian so far) and use from the emulated Sparc an Ethernet terminal
server hosted by the Debian host machine.
I have been using SunOS and Solaris for years, (starting career with
"true" Sparc2...) but I cannot go further than the open boot prompt
this time.
I follow a few tutorials from the net like:
All mates there say to boot on disk2:d, but after a whole day trying
different things I still got a Data Access Error.
Steps used:
make disk:
$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 sunos4.img 4G
Start emulation:
$ qemu-system-sparc -L . -m 256 -hda sunos4.img -cdrom sunOS4.iso -M
SS-5 -boot d -bios ./ss5.bin -nographic -serial
$ telnet localhost 3000
<starting OBP> which end by:
Probing CPU FMI,MB86904
Probing /address@hidden,10000000/address@hidden,10001000 at 5,0 espdma esp Data
Access Error
Type help for more information
ok boot disk2:d -vs
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/address@hidden,8400000/address@hidden,8800000/address@hidden,0:d
File and args: -vs
Data Access Error
host computer:
Debian squeeze last version stable just installed. Packages qemu
installed with Debian Software Center GUI.
$ uname -a
Linux dp-debian 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sun Sep 23 09:49:36 UTC 2012
i686 GNU/Linux
(qemu) info version
0.12.5 (Debian 0.12.5+dfsg-3squeeze2)
sunOS4.iso: created from a bootable Solaris 1.1.2 CD.
I tried several things without success like using the real CD drive
of the hsot computer, another CD Solaris 9 etc...
Any help would be greatly appreciate.
Thanks for your time,
sorry if the answer is trivial.
Jean Michel
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