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On 05/17/2012 11:48 PM, Prakash P wrote:
> I'm trying to convert a .vmdk to raw file. But it's throwing an error.
> qemu-img convert -O raw CentOS.vmdk CentOS.raw
> qemu-img: error while reading sector
131072: Invalid argument`
> But it created the output file in .raw format, why this error is been
> reported? How to get rid of this?
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10737418240 May 17 19:09 CentOS.raw
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2585558528 May 17 13:43 CentOS.vmdk
where did the vmdk come from? a co-worker of mine recently had to
convert a vmdk that came from an esxi 5 server and attempted to use
qemu-img to convert. no matter what he tried qemu-img kept throwing
errors. i don't recall what the exact error he was getting though. in
his case, it seemed to be that the vmdk he was converting had extra
features enabled that qemu-img couldn't handle. he ended up converting
it to a "more normal" vmdk using vmware-vdisk-manager and then using
qemu-img on the output from that. i don't know this is whats happening
in your case but reading your email made me think of the problems my
co-worker had.