Even on the Serial Console, I could not get any thing!
Please Suggest, why it is happening like this!!
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Krishna Pavan
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi QEMU Users,
I am using qemu-for-arm, on i.MX5X Microprocessor.
qemu-system-arm -M realview-pb-a8 -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel ../../ltib/rootfs/boot/u-boot.bin -m 512M
I get a blank screen and nothing else, I have embedded a pic also.
Can you please tell me
> What actually should I do, to get rid of this error?
✉ Regards :: Krishna Pavan ✍
✉ Regards :: Krishna Pavan ✍