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[PATCH v2] vvfat: refresh writing long filename

From: Michael Tokarev
Subject: [PATCH v2] vvfat: refresh writing long filename
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:26:34 +0300

In function create_long_filname(), the array name[8 + 3] in
struct direntry_t is used as if it were defined as name[32].
This is intentional and works. It's nevertheless an out of
bounds array access. To avoid this problem, this patch adds a
struct lfn_direntry_t with multiple name arrays. A directory
entry for a long FAT file name is significantly different from
a directory entry for a regular FAT file name.

This change makes whole logic dealing with the long filenames
a bit more clear (hopefully).

Based on ideas by Volker RĂ¼melin.

Signed-off-by: Michael Tokarev <mjt@tls.msk.ru>
 block/vvfat.c | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

v2: also include trailing U+0000 and fill the remaining bytes with U+FFFF

diff --git a/block/vvfat.c b/block/vvfat.c
index 8ffe8b3b9b..c8a22af875 100644
--- a/block/vvfat.c
+++ b/block/vvfat.c
@@ -255,6 +255,17 @@ typedef struct direntry_t {
     uint32_t size;
 } QEMU_PACKED direntry_t;
+typedef struct lfn_direntry_t {
+    uint8_t sequence;
+    uint8_t name01[10];
+    uint8_t attributes;
+    uint8_t direntry_type;
+    uint8_t sfn_checksum;
+    uint8_t name0e[12];
+    uint16_t begin;
+    uint8_t name1c[4];
+} QEMU_PACKED lfn_direntry_t;
 /* this structure are used to transparently access the files */
 typedef struct mapping_t {
@@ -399,11 +410,26 @@ static void init_mbr(BDRVVVFATState *s, int cyls, int 
heads, int secs)
 /* direntry functions */
+static unsigned write_lfn_part(uint8_t *dest, unsigned dsize,
+                               const gunichar2 *lptr, const gunichar2 *lend)
+    unsigned i = 0;
+    for (; i < dsize / 2 && lptr + i <= lend; ++i) { /* incl. trailing U+0000 
+        /* can't use cpu_to_be16() since dest is unaligned */
+        dest[i / 2 + 0] = lptr[i] & 0xff;
+        dest[i / 2 + 1] = lptr[i] >> 8;
+    }
+    for (; i < dsize / 2; ++i) { /* fill the rest with U+FFFF */
+        dest[i / 2 + 0] = dest[i / 2 + 1] = 0xff;
+    }
+    return i; /* return number of elements written (=dsize) */
 static direntry_t *create_long_filename(BDRVVVFATState *s, const char 
-    int number_of_entries, i;
+    unsigned number_of_entries, enidx;
+    gunichar2 *lptr, *lend;
     glong length;
-    direntry_t *entry;
     gunichar2 *longname = g_utf8_to_utf16(filename, -1, NULL, &length, NULL);
     if (!longname) {
@@ -411,31 +437,26 @@ static direntry_t *create_long_filename(BDRVVVFATState 
*s, const char *filename)
         return NULL;
-    number_of_entries = DIV_ROUND_UP(length * 2, 26);
-    for(i=0;i<number_of_entries;i++) {
-        entry=array_get_next(&(s->directory));
-        entry->attributes=0xf;
-        entry->reserved[0]=0;
-        entry->begin=0;
-        entry->name[0]=(number_of_entries-i)|(i==0?0x40:0);
-    }
-    for(i=0;i<26*number_of_entries;i++) {
-        int offset=(i%26);
-        if(offset<10) offset=1+offset;
-        else if(offset<22) offset=14+offset-10;
-        else offset=28+offset-22;
-        entry=array_get(&(s->directory),s->directory.next-1-(i/26));
-        if (i >= 2 * length + 2) {
-            entry->name[offset] = 0xff;
-        } else if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            entry->name[offset] = longname[i / 2] & 0xff;
-        } else {
-            entry->name[offset] = longname[i / 2] >> 8;
-        }
+    /*
+     * each lfn_direntry holds 13 utf16 chars (26 bytes) of the file name,
+     * the name is split into several directory entries.
+     */
+    number_of_entries = DIV_ROUND_UP(length, 13);
+    lend = longname + length; /* pointer past the end of longname */
+    for (enidx = 0, lptr = longname; enidx < number_of_entries; enidx++) {
+        lfn_direntry_t *en = array_get_next(&(s->directory));
+        en->sequence = (number_of_entries - enidx) | (enidx == 0 ? 0x40 : 0);
+        en->attributes = 0xf;
+        en->direntry_type = 0;
+        en->begin = 0;
+        /* each lftn_direntry has 3 pieces to hold parts of long file name */
+        lptr += write_lfn_part(en->name01, ARRAY_SIZE(en->name01), lptr, lend);
+        lptr += write_lfn_part(en->name0e, ARRAY_SIZE(en->name0e), lptr, lend);
+        lptr += write_lfn_part(en->name1c, ARRAY_SIZE(en->name1c), lptr, lend);
-    return array_get(&(s->directory),s->directory.next-number_of_entries);
+    return array_get(&s->directory, s->directory.next - number_of_entries);
 static char is_free(const direntry_t* direntry)
@@ -731,7 +752,7 @@ static inline direntry_t* 
create_short_and_long_name(BDRVVVFATState* s,
         /* calculate anew, because realloc could have taken place */
         while(entry_long<entry && is_long_name(entry_long)) {
-            entry_long->reserved[1]=chksum;
+            ((lfn_direntry_t *)entry_long)->sfn_checksum = chksum;

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