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Re: [PATCH 2/4] target/riscv: use RVB in RVA22U64

From: Daniel Henrique Barboza
Subject: Re: [PATCH 2/4] target/riscv: use RVB in RVA22U64
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 13:08:46 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 1/14/25 11:52 AM, Andrew Jones wrote:
On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 10:20:10AM -0300, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
 From the time we added RVA22U64 until now the spec didn't declare 'RVB'
as a dependency, using zba/zbb/zbs instead. Since then the RVA22 spec
[1] added the following in the 'RVA22U64 Mandatory Extensions' section:

"B Bit-manipulation instructions

Note: The B extension comprises the Zba, Zbb, and Zbs extensions. At the
time of RVA22U64's ratification, the B extension had not yet been
defined, and so RVA22U64 explicitly mandated Zba, Zbb, and Zbs instead.
Mandating B is equivalent."

It is also equivalent to QEMU (see riscv_cpu_validate_b() in

Finally, RVA23U64 [2] directly mentions RVB as a mandatory extension,
not citing zba/zbb/zbs.

To make it clear that RVA23U64 will extend RVA22U64 (i.e. RVA22 is a
parent of RVA23), use RVB in RVA22U64 as well. As a bonus we can also
exclude zba/zbb/zbs from 'ext_offsets' and make it a bit shorter.

(bios-tables-test change: zba/zbb/zbs no longer on riscv,isa)

We should still have zba/zbb/zbs on the ISA string. I don't think
Linux yet supports expanding a 'B' bundle into them and other SW
may also have not really cared about 'B' being designed to represent
preexisting extensions after having already learned how to detect
those extensions.

This has to do with how bios-tables-test works. The test doesn't boot the CPU
up to realize() and finalize() and, with this change, we ended up removing
zba/zbb/zbs from it because we won't reach riscv_cpu_validate_b() to add
them back.

I guess that in the end, aside from having a smaller ext list, there's not
much to gain from removing zba/zbb/zbs from the profile definition. We
can just add RVB and keep them.



Anyway, what keeps them from being added? I don't see QEMU code
for that. I do expect a bios tables change though, since the ISA
string should now have 'B' added to it.



Signed-off-by: Daniel Henrique Barboza <dbarboza@ventanamicro.com>
  target/riscv/cpu.c                |   5 ++---
  tests/data/acpi/riscv64/virt/RHCT | Bin 398 -> 400 bytes
  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/riscv/cpu.c b/target/riscv/cpu.c
index b187ef2e4b..8d0563527f 100644
--- a/target/riscv/cpu.c
+++ b/target/riscv/cpu.c
@@ -2351,13 +2351,12 @@ static const PropertyInfo prop_marchid = {
  static RISCVCPUProfile RVA22U64 = {
      .parent = NULL,
      .name = "rva22u64",
-    .misa_ext = RVI | RVM | RVA | RVF | RVD | RVC | RVU,
+    .misa_ext = RVI | RVM | RVA | RVF | RVD | RVC | RVB | RVU,
      .priv_spec = RISCV_PROFILE_ATTR_UNUSED,
      .satp_mode = RISCV_PROFILE_ATTR_UNUSED,
      .ext_offsets = {
          CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zicsr), CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zihintpause),
-        CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zba), CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zbb),
-        CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zbs), CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zfhmin),
+        CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zfhmin),
          CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zkt), CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zicntr),
          CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zihpm), CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zicbom),
          CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zicbop), CPU_CFG_OFFSET(ext_zicboz),
diff --git a/tests/data/acpi/riscv64/virt/RHCT 
GIT binary patch
delta 53

delta 52


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