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[PATCH v5 0/4] hw/ssi/pnv_spi: Remove PnvXferBuffer and fix CID 1558827

From: Chalapathi V
Subject: [PATCH v5 0/4] hw/ssi/pnv_spi: Remove PnvXferBuffer and fix CID 1558827
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 10:18:20 -0600


In this revision two new commits are added to address multi chip SPI issues.

Updates in V5:
1. Use of PnvXferBuffer results in a additonal process overhead due to
frequent dynamic allocations and hence use an existing Fifo8 buffer.
2. Use a local variable seq_index and use it with in while loop instead
of repeatedly calling get_seq_index() and make sure s->seq_op doesn't
overrun when seq_index is incremented.
3. Unique bus names are created for each controller in a socket so that
responders are attched to correct SPI controllers via CLI.
4. Enforce a limit on number RDR match failures so that SPI controller
doesn't get caught in an infinite execution loop querying the responder
for RDR match.

passed make check and make check-avocado

Chalapathi V (4):
  hw/ssi/pnv_spi: Replace PnvXferBuffer with Fifo8 structure
  hw/ssi/pnv_spi: Coverity CID 1558827: Use local var seq_index instead
    of get_seq_index().
  hw/ssi/pnv_spi: Make bus names distinct for each controllers of a
  hw/ssi/pnv_spi: Put a limit to RDR match failures

 include/hw/ssi/pnv_spi.h           |   6 +-
 hw/ppc/pnv.c                       |   2 +
 hw/ssi/pnv_spi.c                   | 336 ++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/qtest/pnv-spi-seeprom-test.c |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)


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