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Re: [PATCH v3 02/14] util: Add RISC-V vector extension probe in cpuinfo

From: Richard Henderson
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 02/14] util: Add RISC-V vector extension probe in cpuinfo
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 08:45:52 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 9/9/24 00:18, LIU Zhiwei wrote:

On 2024/9/5 11:34, Richard Henderson wrote:
On 9/4/24 07:27, LIU Zhiwei wrote:
+    if (info & CPUINFO_ZVE64X) {
+        /*
+         * Get vlenb for Vector: vsetvli rd, x0, e64.
+         * VLMAX = LMUL * VLEN / SEW.
+         * The "vsetvli rd, x0, e64" means "LMUL = 1, SEW = 64, rd = VLMAX",
+         * so "vlenb = VLMAX * 64 / 8".
+         */
+        unsigned long vlmax = 0;
+        asm volatile(".insn i 0x57, 7, %0, zero, (3 << 3)" : "=r"(vlmax));
+        if (vlmax) {
+            riscv_vlenb = vlmax * 8;
+            assert(riscv_vlen >= 64 && !(riscv_vlen & (riscv_vlen - 1)));
+        } else {
+            info &= ~CPUINFO_ZVE64X;
+        }
+    }

Surely this does not compile, since the riscv_vlen referenced in the assert 
does not exist.
riscv_vlen is macro about riscv_vlenb. I think you miss it.

I did miss the macro.  But there's also no need for it to exist.

That said, I've done some experimentation and I believe there is a further simplification to be had in instead saving log2(vlenb).

    if (info & CPUINFO_ZVE64X) {
         * We are guaranteed by RVV-1.0 that VLEN is a power of 2.
         * We are guaranteed by Zve64x that VLEN >= 64, and that
         * EEW of {8,16,32,64} are supported.
         * Cache VLEN in a convenient form.
        unsigned long vlenb;
        asm("csrr %0, vlenb" : "=r"(vlenb));

Should we use the .insn format here? Maybe we are having a compiler doesn't 
support vector.

Neither gcc nor clang requires V be enabled at compile time in order to access 
the CSR.
It does seem like a mistake, but I'm happy to use it.


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